Logging In From Home
How to log-in to your student's Google account and Clever accounts from home.
Your student's Google account consists of the 9 digit username, always starting with '1000' and followed by a unique 5 digits assigned by the district. In order to log in from a non-school computer, you will have to include the district's domain in the username. When put all together in Google's log-in screen, this looks like 1000*****@apps.ogdensd.org
After entering the username and domain, you will be asked for the password. This password is set up district-wide to follow the same pattern: the last 3 letters of the surname, the first two letters of the first name, and their birthday in DDMM format. For example, John Doe born on May 23 would have the password doejo2305.
Once they are logged in, they can access things like their district G-mail account, or their Google Classroom.
To log in to Clever, the portal we use to access iReady and Lexia Core 5, first go to http://clever.com/in/ogdensd
At the Clever log in screen, once again enter the username in the username field. On the Clever screen, the district's domain is NOT entered. The password for Clever, however, is unique. Instead of the Google password used to log in to their main account, the Clever password is the first three letter of the student's last name, followed by the first two letters of their first name, followed by the last four digits of their username. For example, the password for a student named John Doe would be doejo****.